dental services dentist nordahl

Why We Love Serving San Marcos, CA

We enjoy providing dental services to the communities of San Marcos, CA, as well as the surrounding areas. Our mission is to exceed the expectations of every patient. Our dentists and the entire team here at Nordahl Dental are laser-focused on serving our patients. Because of all of the amazing relationships that we’ve created over the years and continue to create, we love coming into the office every day.

Dental Services Provided by ​​Doche Family Dental

Here at Nordahl Dental, we pride ourselves on being one of the most proficient family dentistry practices in San Marcos, California. We provide a wide array of dental services that focus on treating existing oral health issues and preventing new ones from developing.

Porcelain Veneers

Veneers are a dependable, affordable solution to imperfect smiles. They are thin, tooth-colored porcelain shells that cover your natural teeth. Long-lasting and natural-looking, they can protect your teeth from further damage and give you the beautiful smile you desire.

Porcelain Crowns

In simple terms, a crown is a “cap” that can be used to strengthen a broken down tooth, improve the shape & contour of a tooth & enhance the color of a tooth. It is made of metal, ceramic or polymer materials or a combination of such materials. It is retained by luting cement or mechanical means.


Invisalign uses a series of soft plastic aligners that fit comfortably over your teeth to gradually and gently straighten your smile. No wires or brackets to irritate your mouth! Unlike traditional braces, you can remove your Invisalign aligner during your oral hygiene routines and while eating your favorite meals. Brushing and flossing are not complicated and you don’t have to give up any of the foods you love.


In essence a dental implant provides a permanent means to replace missing teeth in the oral cavity. These implants can be placed in either the front or back of the mouth to serve the purpose of enhancing your smile or improving masticatory ( chewing ) forces. A dental implant is made of a titanium biocompatible material that becomes integrated within your natural bone. Once integrated, the dental implant must be maintained with proper oral hygiene in order to last a lifetime.


A denture is a way to replace missing teeth & serves the same function of fixed prosthetics (implants & bridges); however, dentures can be removed & reinserted in the oral cavity at any point. Dentures provide the opportunity to restore an individual’s smile & allow a patient to have improved chewing capabilities.

Teeth Whitening

Our teeth can stain throughout a lifetime through a variety of factors including but not limited to dark colored beverages, coffee, red wine, tea & a lack of quality oral hygiene. This staining can affect the brightness in our smile. However, dental whitening gives us the option to lighten our teeth.

How Nordahl Dental Can Help

Our doctors and the entire team here at Nordahl Dental consider every patient a member of our family. We look forward to the opportunity to speak with you, listen to your concerns, and find a simple and effective solution through our dental services. If you are interested in improving your oral health and would like to take advantage of a free consultation, please give us a call at 1.760.746.7008 or send us an email. If you want to learn more about our practice, you can check out our business page, and make sure to get directions before you head our way.